JANUARY 16-20, 2025

Welcome competitors!
Welcome competitors! Thank you for reviewing the information below and for participating in the 2025 NJHC event as a competitor.
All competitors must purchase one of the four, full weekend passes in order to compete in any division. In addition, competitors must register and pay entry fees before the deadlines.
Competitors are responsible for reading, knowing and following all contest guidelines, taking special note of the specifics for the different divisions and levels.
Competitors must check in and be ready to dance 15 minutes before a division.
All contestants and attendees must sign a liability release, acknowledge their compliance to the NJHC guidelines and consent to unrestricted use of their photos, video and names which may appear in the event videos, websites and future promotions.
Good sportsmanship must be exhibited at all times.
A couples consists of one leader and one follower, no gender restrictions.
Judges will be evaluating competitors on the following skills: timing, technique, connection/lead/follow/partnering, content difficulty, musicality, and overall presentation. In solo routines divisions these will also be evaluated: costumes, showpersonship, choreography, and specialty moves/tricks permitted in the division.
In solo routine divisions: routines may not exceed 3minutes and 30 seconds including an entrance and an exit.
In Salsa divisions, competitors may “break” “on 1” or “on 2”.
You cannot compete at NJHC as a Professional and an Amateur. You are either one or the other.
Judges will mark down any competitor(s) dancing higher level material in a lower level division. Competitors must read the level descriptions and dance within each level’s description. This is for the equity of all competitors.
All music for choreographed routines must be a single track on a MP3 or flash drive and clearly labeled. Turn in your music to the DJ at least 60 minutes prior to your division. If you need your music’s tempo altered, started in the middle of the track or an early fade out, please have someone edit your music in advance.
During non-routine competitions, competitors must wear their bib numbers assigned to them upon registration check in. Bib numbers for amateur partnerships should be worn by the leader. For Jack and Jill divisions, all dancers should wear their bib numbers.
Competition entry deadlines are by 9PM the night before.
Competitors should stay in the ballroom during the entire session of the divisions in case of last-minute adjustments and announcements.
Costumes are recommended for Pro-Am, Am-Am and Routine divisions.
Costumes not required for Jack and Jill divisions. Costumes are strongly encouraged for the “Hustle for the Hounds” competition fundraiser, but may be simple.
Competitors should use the level definitions included below (or ask a reputable dance professional) to determine their level for competition.
Specific times are available for competitor floor trials: Saturday at 9:00 AM and Sunday at 9:00 AM.
The consequence of breaking any of the above rules is either a lower placement or disqualification.
The head judge will resolve any scoring or judging disputes. Those decisions are final.
Amateur – As an amateur, dancing is strictly a recreational activity or a competitive
sport. You cannot receive financial gain for teaching or performing in any form of dance,
full-time or part-time. However, money may be accepted as “scholarship funds” and
must be used to further your dance education.
Age definitions Competitors may register for two different age categories within the
same competition if offered in the description. (Ex. Open(all ages) and Legends(51yr+
Hustle) In Pro-Am divisions, age is determined by the amateur. In Am-Am divisions, age
is determined by the older dancer in the couple.
Open All ages
Legends 51 years and older
Professional – If you teach any partner dance style, you are considered to be a
Professional. Whether you teach partner dance full-time or part-time and work in
another profession you must register as a professional in all divisions.
*Register with a partner. *DJ provides the music. *Danced in heats. *No routines.
*Competitors choose skill level based on descriptions. * Competitors may dance in one
level and “dance up” in another level. *Competitors may dance in two age divisions that
they qualify for by their age. *Each entry requires a separate fee. *No lifts, aerials, or
drops are permitted. *Evaluation criteria: timing, technique, connection, social dancing
skill, presentation, lead, follow, and content’s difficulty.
Jack and Jill Hustle
*Register as an individual leader or follower. *Randomly paired with a partner. *DJ
provides the music. *Danced in heats. *Competitors choose skill level based on
descriptions. *Competitors may just lead(or only follow) in two age divisions that they
qualify for by their age and dance in once level and “dance up” in another level = no
more than four entries per competitor.*Competitors may lead in one level and follow in a
different level and may do two different age divisions that they qualify for by their age
within those two levels = no more than four entries per competitor. *Evaluation criteria:
timing, technique, connection, social dancing skill, presentation, lead, follow, and
content’s difficulty.
Specialty Jack and Jill Hustle Descriptions:
Open to both Pros and Amateurs, single division/level/age.
Switch it Up
A fun Jack and Jill for hustle dancers who can both lead and follow. Dancers will switch
leading and following roles repeatedly on cue.
Turn the Beat Around
A Jack and Jill to challenge couples to “shift gears” and dance to a wide variety of
The name says it all! Pairings in this Jack and Jill will be given a special challenge once
they are on the floor!
*Register with a partner. *DJ provides the music. *Danced in heats. *No routines.
*Competitors choose skill level based on descriptions. * Competitors may only dance in
one level. *Competitors may dance in two age division that they qualify for by their age.
*Each entry requires a separate fee. *No lifts, aerials, or drops are permitted.
*Evaluation criteria: timing, technique, connection, social dancing skill, presentation,
lead, follow, and content’s difficulty.
Routines: Classic Hustle, Theater Arts Hustle and Showcase (any dance style but
Hustle): *Hustle Routines must consist of 50% Hustle. *Competitor supplies music.
*Costumes highly recommended. *Routines must be no longer than 3.5 minutes long
including an entrance and an exit.
*Classic Hustle Content Permitted: side-by-sides, dips, leaps and jumps (unassisted by
partner), drops (drops must have one foot of both dancers on the floor at all times). *No
lifts or aerials allowed but dips are permitted.
*Theatre Arts Hustle Content Permitted: lifts, aerials, drops, dips, anything goes, etc.
*Evaluation criteria for All Routines: timing, technique, musicality, choreography, lead,
follow, connection/partnership, presentation/showpersonship, costumes, and content
Pro/Am Hustle, WCS, Salsa, Bachata, and ChaCha
*A Pro (teacher) dances with an Amateur (student). *DJ provides music. *Competitors
choose skill level based on descriptions. * Hustle Competitors may dance “up” one level
as well. WCS/Salsa/Bachata/ChaCha and Triple Threat may dance in one level only.
*Competitors may dance in two age levels that they qualify for by their age. *Each entry
requires a separate fee. *Danced in heats. *Lead and follow only; no routines. *No lifts,
aerials or drops allowed. *Dips permitted in Advanced levels only. *Evaluation criteria:
timing, technique, connection/partnering/ lead/follow, social dancing skill, presentation,
and content difficulty.
Team Showcase
*Non-competitive showcase. *Register as a team. *Any single dance style or
combination of styles may be presented. *Open to all ages, combination of genders and
levels. *Consist of 3 or more dancers. *Costumes strongly encouraged. *Routines
limited to 4.5 minutes including an entrance and an exit. *Music will be provided by
Team Challenge Competition
*Register as a team. *Team consists of 2 Pros and 2 Ams. *Contest consists of 4 Hustle
dance heats: Am/Am, Pro/Am Leader, Pro/Am Follower, Pro/Pro. *Open to all ages,
combination of genders. *DJ provides the music. *Danced in heats. *No routines.
*Judged as a group. *Evaluation criteria: timing, technique, connection/partnering/
lead/follow, social dancing skill, presentation, and content difficulty.
Suggested Level Definitions
*Entry level - 2 years dance experience.; minimal competition experience. *Good basic
*Rotation limited to ¼ to 1 and ½ turns for both leader and follower. *Connection must
be maintained with one or two hands. *Both feet must be on the floor at all times. *No
lifts, aerials, dips or drops are permitted.
*2+ years dance experience. *Rotation limited to ¼ to 2 and ½ turns for both leader and
follower. *Connection may be released for 1-2 beats. *Both feet must be on the floor at
all times. *No lifts, aerials, dips or drops are permitted.
*3-5 years experience. *Rotation unlimited for both leader and follower. *Connection
may be released/side by sides permitted. *Both feet must be on the floor at all times.
*No lifts, aerials, or drops are permitted but dips are allowed